Friday, February 10, 2012

5. The Workload + Personas and Scenarios

·       F 2/10: Blog Post, First round of personas and scenarios. Have reviewed/ critiqued.

·       M 2/13: Final proposed personas and scenarios. Have system chosen, and list of design artifacts required for that system.

·       F 2/17: Blog Post, Drawn wireframes for Scenarios 1 and part of 2. Have reviewed/ critiqued.

·       M 2/20: Finalized drawn wireframes for small group critique.

·       F 2/24: Blog Post, Possibilities for visual design.

·       M 2/27: More visual design, mocked up from wireframe layouts. Small group critiques.

·       F 3/2: Blog Post, Prepare Midterm Presentation of progress and system elements designed.

·       M 3/5: Midterm Presentation of progress and system elements designed.

·       F 3/9: Blog Post, More visual design possibilities. Have reviewed/ critiqued.

·       M 3/12: Spring Break- Begin designing screens for scenarios. (Work when able)

·       F 3/16: Spring Break-  Continue designing screens for scenarios. (Work when able)

·       M 3/19: Finalized visual design. Have reviewed/ critiqued.

·       F 3/23: Blog Post, Have screens reviewed/ critiqued.

·       M 3/26: Revise screens and begin animating in After Effects, write script for audio. 

·       F 3/30: Blog Post, Show finalized screen designs. Show Animations in progress.

·       M 4/2: Continue animating, have audio recorded.

·       F 4/6: Finish up animating, assemble audio and video elements.

·       M 4/9: 1st draft of formal presentation. Refine presentation.

·       F 4/13: Blog post, Refine presentation. Begin practicing the presentation for final audience.

·       M 4/16: 2nd draft of formal presentation. Refine presentation and presentation skills.

·       F 4/20: Blog post, Refine presentation.

·       M 4/23: Formal presentation day! Dress nicely, and have presentation prepared.

·       F 4/27: Blog post, Last day of class- process pdf and artifact documentation accepted. Final deadline is 5/7. 

I've also made my first round of personas to work with. I tried to cover a wide variety of options between the 3 of them to show a ton of different viewpoints and uses for the system. 

Persona #1: Paul (24)
Location: Overland Park, KS
Profession: Part time student
Reason for cycling: Practicality, Cost effectiveness
Bike type: Mountain bike (Used to conquer hills around college campus.)

Paul goes to college part time for business courses. His home is only a 10 minute distance from the campus, so to save
time and money on gas, he prefers to ride a bicycle to his classes. In the mornings, rush hour he fights with determined drivers racing to work, and is often late to class, unable to cross some intersections. The main streets around campus still don’t have bike lanes, and his complaints to the school faculty and student body can’t seem to get through the yellow tape the city places between cyclists and road safety measures.

Persona #2: Scott (36)
Location: Downtown Kansas City, MO
Profession: Works full time at local music hall
Reason for cycling: Exercise and recreation
Bike type: Road bike

Scott rides each night after work to burn off calories and to distress. He meets regularly with friends to ride around t hecity, and he actively participates in Critical Mass and other cycling awareness events. Having ridden on many bike lanes throughout Kansas City, Scott writes the department of transportation and reaches out to other bike riders to advocate for additional lanes and better driver/ cyclist interaction on the roads.

Persona #3: Amanda (29)
Location: Shawnee Mission, KS
Profession: Full time mom
Reason for cycling: Family activity
Bike type: Cruiser

Amanda spends each day with her son (age 6) and daughter (age 5). She strives to keep her children active and encourages them to spend time outside. When riding their bikes, the children stay within the neighborhood, but the family enjoys group rides in the evening to a local park. Without bike paths, the family has to ride their bikes along a busy street. Without bike lanes, the parents fear for their children’s safety.

With persona's in mind, I've constructed my first set of possible scenarios to animate in the final presentation as well. Each scenario at this point revolves around each of the 3 people, and tries to cover a different side or area of the system. 

Scenario #1: Scott wants to track his route at a Critical Mass event. DoT then views the day’s information.
·       Scott turns on his beacon.
·       Rides his route with hundreds of other cyclists.
·       At the end of the event turns his tracker off. (Scott portion ends)
·       DoT (Signs in) views the day’s cyclist numbers around the city.
·       Uses sorting options to view time of day, and roads with the most riders that don’t have a bike lane.
·       As a special user, the DoT employee puts a marker on that road showing that DoT has decided to put in a new bike lane there.

Scenario #2: Nick wants to find and ride with other cyclists traveling to his campus in the morning.
·       Nick is already signed in.
·       He starts on the map portion of the site, but touches the users side.
·       The map empties of routes and he is prompted to place a route he wishes to ride or select from routes he’s previously rode.
·       He selects his daily morning route to school.
·       The map displays his route, and he selects the time of day.
·       It then displays other users that ride on or near that route at that time of day.
·       He sends a ride request to another student and it’s accepted later that day.

Scenario #3: Amanda wants to find a safer route to the local park.
·       Amanda enters the application.
·       She comes to the map page, and opens her routes list.
·       She selects her family’s route to the park.
·       It centers on her route on the map, and she selects the safety sorting option.
·       It shows the safety rating of her street as posted by other users, and the safety rating of other nearby streets.
·       She adds her rating to the road.
·       Her rating changes the roads color to red, alerting DoT that that road is in desperate need of bike lanes.

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